Chase Modifier for Max 6.0
Chase Modifier for Max 4.0

Source Code
Sample File

This is charityware software. If you find this useful please donate an amount that you feel appropriate to your favorite charity.

Chase Gravity is a particle space warp which cause particles to chase the space warp or a designated object. It useful for creating flocking type aniamtions or using particles to outline an object.

Strength is how strong the attraction is to the object.

Dampening is how long it takes the particles to settle. The higher the dampening the less time it takes to settle.

Wind contains your standard turbulance values.

Use Falloff - determines if the the inner and outer ranges are used. If checked only particles inside the ranges are affected.

Object Based Delfector allows you to have the particles follow the vertices of another object. Click this and select an object and the particles will try to align themselves to the vertices of the object (the first particle will align to the first vertex etc).

Nth Vertex is used to distribute the particles more evenly across a surface. The value will cause the particles to skip every N vertices to break up the distribution more evenly.

Note this utility has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use at your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at

Peter Watje